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BOC Exam Time Management
I sincerely hope that everyone is enjoying their studying sessions. It can be extremely daunting to consider the sheer quantity of information that you must know for the exam. When you combine that with critical thinking and time constraints, it creates a perfect storm that can cause real anxiety. Lately, I’ve had a number of emails asking me how to effectively answer questions in the time that is given. It’s important to make sure that you are staying within the time allotted for the exam. When you’re in the middle of the exam, it can be very challenging to keep track of the time without having a nervous breakdown from the stress. Here are a few recommendations that may help you in your preparations:
- Take your time — each question deserves careful consideration before submitting your answer. You are allowed to revisit questions in the same section or batch, but you are unable to return to previous sections to answer or review questions. Avoid the temptation to speed-read through a question and jump to the first answer that looks good. Take your time…
- Pace yourself — you are given 4 hours for 175 questions. That comes out to 72 seconds per question. You should definitely take your time, but make sure that “taking your time” does not exceed an average of 72 seconds. It can be devastating to spend all of your time on a few hard questions only to rush through the last 20…