Can a Personal Website Improve Your Post-Graduate Job Search?

Allison Strickland
3 min readJan 17, 2024

A staggering 80% of prospective employers conduct a thorough Google search of candidates before extending an offer. Ever wondered what they might discover about you? Take a moment to self-search and observe the results. If your TikTok, Facebook X, or Instagram accounts are the first impressions an employer encounters and showcase your less-than-professional side, you might want to reconsider.

Imagine the impact of leading with a well-crafted personal website that presents you exactly as you wish to be seen: a polished, professional athletic trainer who can successfully showcase your identity, skills, education, and why you’re the perfect fit for your desired role.

Building a website is now more accessible than ever, even for those without web design or coding expertise. Numerous resources are readily available, empowering you to create a visually appealing site that sets you apart in the eyes of potential employers.

The Significance of a Personal Website

While most college students are well-versed in online presence, much of it revolves around platforms like Instagram and Snapchat. As you transition into the athletic training job market post-graduation, the importance of your online footprint becomes more important.



Allison Strickland

Healthcare provider, boy mom, distance runner. Expert in creating online courses, web design, and copywriting. Visit or