Member-only story
The Disappearance of Aging
Aging will be accepted, accommodated into the normal life course. And aging, as we know it, will disappear.
We tend to get angry about the failures and limitations of our traditional health system. That disappointment can turn to a desire to punish the old paradigm, or to walk away and let the chips fall where they may. But it may be wise to remember that it was this paradigm that helped bring us to this day, that won the battle of acute disease, that rather quickly brought a new era that has redefined life expectancy, the human life course, and a new era of humanity.
That old paradigm still has enormous physical, human and knowledge assets residing within it. The challenge becomes the transition to a new system. The old must evolve. Some of it must die. There will be resistance to the change. There will be acceptance and resistance, skirmishes and full-scale battles. In and among our 50 American states and our thousands of communities, however all of it will happen.
The law of interchangeable interventions will come to be understood and implemented to change the course of aging. Sometimes it will be blunted, redirected, controlled, and monopolized by players who will delay or blunt its impact.